As for the fathers, generally their career and their earnings are the most important things in life. But they’ll have to recognize that children are also important, and that their contribution to the education of their child is necessary. Once fathers will realize this, our culture could be changed.
It is clear that parents should take more family responsibilities than they do now. However, sometimes women work fulltime and at the same time they look after the children, while their husband is unemployed and doesn’t look for a job. When this happens (and it does happens a lot!) a women seems to be on her own. She has to do all the work for her boss and at home alone. For this, I’ll refer to the first blog Annelies wrote. I think it should be an important improvement iIf the tasks would be divided equally, so the parent-child quality time would be optimal for the children.
What can also make a difference, in my opinion, is the fact that people have to take time to think about their life in the future with children. When you don’t have the time neither the money, it isn’t a great idea to have children.
Rys Vanessa
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