donderdag 18 november 2010

I’m the first born, how smart am I?

Your personality is formed during the years you live at home with your parents. Your environment effects the way you look at life.
But what if genes don’t matter? What is your personality is formed by your birth order?
I’m looking at two different articles and I tried to reflect it on my situation – a two-children family.
The first article tells us that first-borns get more quality time with their parents, therefore they are socially dominant, highly intellectual, and extremely conscientious. But they are also perfectionists. The middle one, they have more of a entrepreneurial spirit. The Benjamin nevertheless is very selfish. He got the attention of his parents and his older siblings and is not willing to give it up so easily.
A study by Joseph Price showed that in a two-children family the oldest one gets more time with his parents. 20 to 25 minutes a day. At any age, the second child gets less time to spend.
I come from a two children family and in my subjective way of seeing this study, I tend to believe what the authors are saying. I am always hanging around with friends, I’m never home during the weekends. But my younger brother, he loves staying at home. Being on his own.  He gets more quality-time with my parents, but looking at our possible labour outcomes, I think that we will both get a good job and a nice salary.

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